I'm playing catch up a bit on all the crafting that's been going on here. I'm working on a new fair isle hat (and have finally worked out my wonky tension issues), made some awesome felt dahlias, been doing a bit of mod podging, and am working on a very ambitious embroidery project.
I made these beaded beads using a tutorial I found on youtube. The first bead was a little wonky as it took me a bit of time to figure out how to do the decreases and still maintain the pattern. I also had to adjust the pattern a bit as I was using size 11's. Incidentally, I discovered that there are several different ways of making peyote beaded beads, and next time I plan to try a new method. I read about a method where you make the two halves of the bead, then drape them over the wooden bead in the middle and join the two sides together. It seems like you can get a much more complex pattern using this method.
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